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Heraclitus wrote that change is the only constant in life. 2500 years later, change is still an epic struggle. Sensitivity to what is happening now can make or break a company. As markets and cash flow fluctuate, consumer trust waxes and wanes, and the call for socially responsible actions are amplified. Being in the flow of change isn’t a suggestion. It’s a demand.


Successful mergers with compelling narratives

An engaging new story aligns teams, unifies brands, retains customers, and protects M&A deal value.

Take the lead

Unequivocally turn strategy into behavior

Critical leaders learn the art of recasting the future of a business unit and/or division, choreographing a beautiful flow.

Set the stage

Address a cast of corporate challenges

TAI creates custom, high performance solutions for a range of corporate issues, on time and within budget.

Move the crowd

Corporate strategies in the key of life

The CEO of an educational content and technology firm explained how his people struggled to center the company’s brand amidst the flood of crisis points hijacking their attention. He asked us to help support the Executive Team re-establish financial stability by unifying the company around shared commitments to each other and an enhanced experience for their clients.

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Develop the characteristics and skills quintessential to high impact performers.

Set the stage for big-time collaboration, innovation and productivity.